We help you develop inventive strategies, focus on your goals, gain momentum and create avalanches

Whether your organisation or cause is big or small, commercial or non-profit… We help you develop strategies that are good for business, sustainable and make you thrive.


development / transition

  • Entering new (growth) phase
  • Expanding products / markets
  • Change management
  • Sustainability

Investor relations
& funding

  • One time funding / investments
  • Long term funding
  • Manage financial organisation

marketing & communications

  • Marketing strategy
  • Communications strategy
  • Media management
  • Campaign / project management
  • Branding

Why an avalanche?

Under the right conditions, avalanches have the potential to transform large areas. We help you build up energy around your cause, start movement and steer your avalanche in the right direction; engulfing your targets and markets with your message.

Creating the right conditions to start an avalanche

A pure avalanche has many stages. It takes deep understanding and transformation, before we can even start the movement. Together we choose what is needed to reach your audience.



Analysis and study of the organisation, its goals, products, markets, audiences and outlook.



With tailor-made programs and (coaching) activities we help (re)align the organisation’s values and formulate new strategies.



Our international network of experts assists on different topics and activities to get your organisation going and growing.



We monitor and adjust to keep the avalanche going in the right direction. Our team makes sure your message creates meaningful impact.

This is not a solo expedition. We bring an international network of experts with different skillsets. They provide support with comprehensive analyses, strategies, solutions and coaching needed for your avalanche to succeed.

Team skills